Search for whatever people you wish to connect with in the search bar.
Click on the Linkedin Autoconnect bookmarklet you just added in the bookmark bar, and the script
should run
If you don't see the bookmark bar, press Ctrl+Shift+B in Chrome and Firefox
To stop the script, click on the refresh button in your browser
To resume the script, click on the Linkedin Autoconnect bookmarklet in the bookmark bar
The script should automatically go to the next page, and it will automatically stop when you reach Linkedin's
weekly limit for Connect requests
If it does not automatically go to the next page, try zooming out the page until the Next Page button is always
visible (press Ctrl+Minus repeatedly), and then resume the script by clicking on the bookmarklet
Customize The Script
Delete the old bookmarklet, and Drag this new one to bookmark bar:
. You can rename the bookmarklet by right clicking it, and edit bookmark.